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Welcome to Ayrshire
Baby Loss Support

The sharing of hurt, is the beginning of healing.

A very warm welcome to the Ayrshire Baby Loss Support site, if at any time you have any questions or would like to get in touch for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact us, it's what we are here for, and please remember we are all bereaved parents who have an understanding of how you feel x

Latest News

Annual General Meeting (AGM) UPDATE


Our AGM will take place on Thursday 24th April 2025 via Zoom. The AGM is open to anyone that would like to attend, if you are interested please let us know.



Seed Packs

We know how difficult it can be when you lose your baby, but for those who have early miscarriages, sometimes this means you don't even have contact with the hospital, and have no idea what help is out there.  We will be launching our 'Seed Packs' page this spring with details of how to order your seed packs and where memory boxes are available as well.



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To see the whole range of the services and support we offer please visit our Services page

Holding Hands
Open Book
Lily Flower
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Support Meetings


Our meetings offer support to anyone affected by the loss of a baby and all meetings are attended by our befrienders.

For more information please visit our support meetings page.


Our bereavement booklet is now available to anyone that would like one, which includes information on the service we offer along with our contact details.


We are still in the process of updating our book collection.  If you are interested in anything being sent out to you please contact us so we can add you to our waiting list.


We offer a number of services around remembering your wee one, including our book of remembrance, memorial trees, and sending a card out on the birthday of your baby.  Please visit our Services page for more information.

Talking about loss

This space is dedicated to how it feels to suffer a loss.


Whether that be from a bereaved parents point of view, a family member, or a professional, we welcome all contributions.

If you are looking at ways to help us, please visit our fundraising page

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During our awareness month we usually hold serveral events to promote wider awarenss of baby loss and to remember our babies.  Please visit our Events Page here for more info

June is our Awareness Month

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We are members of

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

Membership Number 6009

SCVO Members

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We are also members of

The Baby Loss Awareness Alliance

BLAA Members

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